The fees charged by Advice Law Firm are generally calculated on a time-spent basis, based on the relevant attorney’s usual hourly rate. The fees charged also take into account the nature of the case, the liability involved in the case, the complexity of the case and the outcome of the case. Clients are usually invoiced on a monthly basis unless otherwise agreed. The terms of payment are eight days net from the date of invoice. Our fee is subject to VAT in accordance with the applicable rules. In the event of late payment, interest will be charged from the due date of the invoice in accordance with the provisions of the Danish Interest Act in force from time to time.
It is important for us always to make sure that our clients’ expectations in terms of invoicing are in alignment. If you, as a client, are in doubt, please feel free to contact the attorney who is in charge of the relevant case. In consumer cases, we inform the client at case commencement about the basis on which we will charge our fees for the case in question.
In some cases, we will request prepayment or a deposit of the whole or part of the fee expected to be charged in the case. Such payments will be considered and treated as client funds.
Generally, expenses and outlays in relation to the performance of the assignment are not included in the fee and are therefore payable separately by the client.
Fixed fee/estimate
It is often very difficult to foresee the extent of the legal work that is connected with a case from start to finish. If we are able to gain a specific overview of the extent of the case, we may sometimes quote a fixed price at case commencement, alternatively provide an estimate, if possible. Other times, this is not possible.
In a single area, i.e. counselling and case proceedings in connection with residential home purchases, we charge recommended fixed prices.